Gym & Fitness Room
at Atholl Palace Lodges
Take time out during your stay at Atholl Palace Lodges to enjoy the onsite gym and fitness room located at Atholl Palace Hotel which includes running machines, cross trainers, multi-purpose rowing machine and more, catering to both the seasoned athlete and the leisurely gym user and enabling our guests to enjoy a complete full-body workout without leaving the estate grounds.
The Gym & Fitness Room at Atholl Palace Hotel is open to all guests of Atholl Palace Lodges. Self-catering lodges with access to gym facilities is a massive plus for those that want to keep fit while they are away.
Gym & Fitness Room Opening Times
Monday – Friday 7.00am – 9.00pm
Saturday & Sunday 7.00am – 7.00pm

Gym & Fitness Room
All guests of Atholl Lodges have full access to the gym and fitness room at Atholl Palace Hotel which includes running machines, cross trainers, multi purpose rowing machine and more.